vendredi 10 août 2012

Visionary Knits

I learned to knit as a little girl. Everybody was knitting in Romania maybe because there was not much choice of beautiful pret a porter knitted outfits during that time. Anyway, I knitted a lot and as a young student I had some popularity because some pastel coloured silk and wool  pullovers I made ( I was very romantic at that age). After I left Romania and got acquainted to the consumerist society of the West, my knitting faded out. Why waste time when you can buy so many ready made beautiful things? Now , however, I kind of miss it. The long winter days watching the snow falling with a skein of wool in my lap; looking in Burda magazine, one of the few I had access to, for a pattern; the un-doing of a knitting  mistake. All these had a kind of peaceful feeling that may determine me to start again.

I got lost in these sweet memories after watching the work of the  artist  Ragne Kikas. Aren't they stunning?


1 commentaire:

  1. When I think of knitted clothes I can't imagine fashionable styles. But these are beautiful. I'd wear them any day. Have a lovely weekend:)


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