jeudi 31 mai 2012


Yesterday was Fabergé's anniversary and was celebrated on Google Doodle. One more reason to like Google.

Fabergé, also known as Karl Gustavovich Fabergé, was born in Saint Petersburg in 1846 into a family of jewellers. In 1882 he inherited of his father company and started  producing small items of jewelled art. At the request of the Csar Alexander III he designed the first embellished egg for his wife, Czarina Maria Fedorovna and presented his work on Easter morning.

The simple enamelled egg contains a golden yolk; within the yolk is a golden hen; and concealed within the hen is a diamond miniature of the royal crown and a tiny ruby egg – both now lost to history.

Csarina’s delight was so great that the Tsar commissioned Faberge to create a new egg every year at Easter. These eggs are little marvels of craftsmanship and beauty.


mercredi 30 mai 2012


Students in Montreal went on strike to protest raise of student fees. For several months they showed a very responsible and adult attitude as well as discipline and coherence. Recently the Government issued a law that restricts the rights to organize demonstrations. Mister Dress Up  is selling t-shirts to help students. All benefits will go to “law clinics” to  legally assist imprisoned students. Please have a look on their website (  spread the word and help if you feel like.

Pendant des mois les etudiants de Montreal on ete en greve pour protester l’augmentation des taxes de leurs etudes. Ils ont fait preuve de beaucoup de sense de responsabilite, de discipline et coherence dans leurs idees. Recemment le Gouvernement a adopte la loi 78 qui limite le droit de manifestations. Le site web Mister Dress Up propose des t-shirts a 9$ . Les profits iront a la clinique juridique JuriPop qui defend les etudiant arretes tout au longue de la greve. Veuillez regarder le site (  partager avec vos amis et si vous voulez bien aidez les etudiants.

lundi 28 mai 2012


I am travelling for both business and pleasure far away, to countries few people have been to, on the other side of the world. There is an indescribable pleasure in preparing a suitcase, leaving  an airport, moving from a hotel to another, meeting new people, and smelling the reddish earth.

In addition, the cherry on top is this clutch designed by Viktor & Rolf, the famous Dutch designers KLM  introduced as a new comfort bag. I heard that in the coming four years there will be sixteen different ones and hope to get them all!

Safari 1 


dimanche 27 mai 2012


Stardust is a movie I like about a star that gets lost on our planet and is chased by bad people and eventually rescued by a nice guy. Michelle Pheiffer is the bad sorceress and Claire Danes the lost star. The movie says that when they are happy, stars shine.
I got this starry ring from Swarowsky in the Amsterdam airport boutique and I simply love it. It shines and makes me happy. What else to ask?

This is my favourite spot in the Amsterdam Airport: a coffee shop.

dimanche 20 mai 2012

Marie St Pierre

I like the Canadian designer Marie St Pierre for her minimalist approach, simplicity of the outfits and the colour taupe she uses.
